
Film Music Workshop with Can Azbazdar
Can Azbazdar
10.10.2024 11.00 - Location: Delos Otel

In this workshop meeting, we will address the questions such as “Why does film score exist?”, “What does it aim?” and “How do we achieve that?”. The difficulties faced while creating film scores and experiences in order to enjoy this process will be shared. Also through examples, we hope to inspire the participants so they dream of designing a film score.

Pottery Gods: Rock to clay, clay to rock
Speaker: Mustafa Hoşnut Moderator: Ümit Hamlacıbaşı
11.10 204 17.00 - Location: Delos Otel

The relationship between humans and the earth is widely discussed within agricultural and ecological contexts. In this meeting, we are aiming to converse about and fire the clay itself, instead of what the earth produces. We will be talking about the objects made from cooked clay, how they developed, how they earned their place in our cultural lives, and why they became irreplaceable and gained permanency.

Sensory Ecology Walking Workshop
Ümit Hamlacıbaşı
11.10. & 12.10 2024 - 11.00 - Meeting Point: Tenedion (Festival office)

We planned this walk to explore the limits of our sensory ecology. We aim to gain sensory awareness about ourselves and the environment we live in. We will decide our route according to the number of participants and the weather conditions. The walk will be held in all weather conditions and a suitable route will be determined. We expect you to wear comfortable and safe shoes and protective clothing suitable for weather conditions. The walking time is 40 minutes. Afterward, there will be a 20-minute question-and-answer session. Total time 60 minutes.

Make a Wish
Özlem Özen
12.10. 2024 13:00 - Location: Zübeyde Hanım Çay Bahçesi

Make-A-Wish®️ Turkey is a nongovernmental organization that aims to help realise the dreams of children fighting high-risk illnesses between 3 and 18 and offer them hope, strength, and joy. The organization, which has been operating in Turkey since the year 2000, is carrying out projects to ensure the children and their families have their spirits lifted and look into the future with hope in the difficult times they go through. Within the process of realizing their dreams, every step of the child is planned with care and the process is designed in a manner that will benefit the child’s life with positive effects. Every dream realized helps the children and their families to gain hope and overcome difficulties. Make-A-Wish®️ Turkey, which has supported realizing thousands of children’s dreams, is a movement of kindness growing with volunteers and donors. In BIFED, we invite you to the hope-filled world of our wish children and expect your support to realize the dreams of more children.

Monoculture Worlds: Reflecting on the Vegetative Geography of the Eastern Black Sea
Fatma Genç
11.10.2024 15.00 - Location: Delos Otel

Plantations, carried out through hundreds of years of forced labor and systemic poverty, are setting the bodies of humans and beyond to work. Plantations, as a system in which the role created by monoculturalization is in the center, and various species are forced to work in order to produce food; have worked as forms of regulation on economies, the environment, and social relations. The transformation of spatial landscaping centered around tea and hazelnut which has turned into a monoculture as part of the industrialization process in the East Black Sea region of Turkey under the hands of the nation state, the enclosure of land, the impact of human and non-human agency being brought into processes of commodification will all be discussed. When a step back is taken, the traditional agricultural pattern (paddy, corn, hemp, fruits…) and biodiversity (redwood…) that existed before tea and hazelnut will be glanced at, its human and post-human dimensions within the process which stretches out to tourism, construction, and mining along with tea and hazelnut, will be addressed within the ecology of relationships shaped by the plantation logic.

Carbon Neutral Events
Eleonora Isunza
10.10. 2024 17.00 - Location: Delos Otel

Why and how to organize carbon neutral events: identify and reduce your emissions, mitigate with sustainable projects and create environmentally responsible experiences.